SMS Gateway with WAVECOM 1306B
Modem SMS WaveCom 1306B Serial is the best choice for SMS Server. Why I choose this modem for SMS Gateway? Because this modem is made specialized for SMS Server and it has more stable performance. There are two models for this modem, the original Wavecom Fastrack and Wavecom Fastrack Wismo ( made in china ). I choose SERIAL type, that because it doesn't need driver for instalation, just plug in to serial port and the Operating System can detect automaticaly. If we use USB type, Compatibility driver issue is always been problem, especially when a new operating comes out with new hype.
I make the code with Visual Basic, with Microsoft SQL Server as database server. There are two modules that I've been created, first SMS Server (with auto responder) module and SMS Manager Module. SMS Server Module run on service mode, that show on try icon on task bar.There are two indicator for this module, green light and red light. On green light indicator, that means the application (software) and the modem (hardware) run perfectly, and if red light indicator show up, that means there are some problem with SMS Server. It can be hardware problem (ex: low signal strength) or software problem.
SMS Manager module it contain, inbox, outbox and sent item, create new message, replay, delete and many more.
SMS Manager
SMS Gateway can be use for SMS Banking,SMS Voting, Server Monitoring, Home Automation,Monitoring and Control Equipment and else.