SQL Server Replication Tutorial

This step-by-step article describes how to install and configure a SQL Server for replication. Because SQL Server 2000 menu is almost the same as SQL 2005 and 2008, then this tutorial may be useful for the final version of SQL Server. This tutorial will use SQL Server 2000 and Filezilla.
Open Enterprise Manager, then select Tools - Replication - Configure Publishing, Subscribers, and Distribution ..
On the Menu Publisher and Distributor Properties, Select the Publisher tab and then select the Servers option on server which will become publisher click the button (...) later in the Publisher Properties menu, fill the folder name that you saved snapshoot files, then input the login and password for SQL Server Authentification.

On publication type menu, select menu Snapshoot Publication, Transactional Publication, Merge Publication. This type has a characteristic - each, select in accordance with the conditions at each location. Then click Next ..

Then select the SQL Server 2000, on the subscriber type:

Select Object on the database to be replicated, Tables, Stored Procedures, etc.. Then click Next

When finished, click Finish.

On the server side that acts as a subscriber, Open Enterprise Manager and then in the tree view select the Subscriptions, then right click select New Pull Subscription, then select Next, then choose Look At Publications from registered servers.

Select the name of a local database to be replicated, then select Next

If using FTP, then checked the option Subscribers can access this folder using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Then fill out the FTP Server Name field (ip_server), port (21), folder (FTP), login, password and confirm password.

How to create a FTP server with FileZilla, first download Filezilla Server on its official website, then install the main server. Create a user for FTP connections, then select a folder that is sharing the folder where the files are stored snapshoot. Then click OK.

To check the connection type on the subscriber server ,type on Windows - Run ftp ip_main_server then then press Enter, if it appears the login name means FileZilla FTP Server installation was successful.
related links:
Install IBM DB2 on Linux Ubuntu
SQL Server Replication FAQ
related links:
Install IBM DB2 on Linux Ubuntu
SQL Server Replication FAQ