The Way Of Life: VBA Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

VBA Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed.

Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed.

Today. I want to share about the VBA  error that occurs on some users/computers but on others are fine. If you check the code, well if the code running well on some computer then your code is working fine. The error that I’ve found is that the error occurs because the certificate on the server is not installed yet. When I send the HTTP request, it returns error "Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed".

send http request - VBA

The solution is you can open Windows Internet Option, click Content, then open Certificates. Import certificates file ( .CER ) that generated from your server.

Internet Option - Windows

Import Certificate

If you don't have the certificate files from your server, you can generate certificate file first from the same menu ( choose Export ).

And the problem SOLVED.

Good luck, hope this solution will help you.

Operating System :

Windows 10, Windows 11

Software :

Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft Office 365

Visual Basic for Application

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