The Way Of Life: June 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

VBA Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed.

Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed.

Today. I want to share about the VBA  error that occurs on some users/computers but on others are fine. If you check the code, well if the code running well on some computer then your code is working fine. The error that I’ve found is that the error occurs because the certificate on the server is not installed yet. When I send the HTTP request, it returns error "Run-time error '-2146697208 (800c0008)': The download of the specified resource has failed".

send http request - VBA

The solution is you can open Windows Internet Option, click Content, then open Certificates. Import certificates file ( .CER ) that generated from your server.

Internet Option - Windows

Import Certificate

If you don't have the certificate files from your server, you can generate certificate file first from the same menu ( choose Export ).

And the problem SOLVED.

Good luck, hope this solution will help you.

Operating System :

Windows 10, Windows 11

Software :

Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft Office 365

Visual Basic for Application

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How to Hide Grade Bucket Column on Skyward Report Designer

As we know on Skyward report designer if we want to show the grade bucket on the gradesheet. We have to change the setting on Grading à District Year Configuration à Grade Report Column Group.

In my case, I want to pull grades from Term 3 (T3) to show on Report Card Semester 2, but I don’t want to show the Grade Bucket column(T3) because I just want to show it in an individual section ( like the image below, not in one column group with another grade bucket ( S1, S2 and FG/Final Grade). See the image below.

Report Card Sections

I already asked Skyward via Help Center, but maybe with the “special need” that I want, by default Skyward Report Designer doesn’t support customizing reports that way.

In a few days, finally, I found the “magic trick”, that is doable to hide Term 3 columns beside other grade bucket columns. Because Skyward Report Manager doesn’t have properties to hide specific columns in one section.

Please follow the steps below.

  1. Open menu, Grading à District Year Configuration àGrade Report Column Groups.
    Grading - District Year Configuration - Grade Report Column Groups

  2. Add Term 3 after the last Grade Bucket Columns, in my case, is Final Mark ( see the image above). For your information on Skyward, the grade bucket must be “equal” one to anothers to show the value. If you put T3 grade bucket data on the S2 column header, you cannot show T3 grades because T3 data rows are not at the same level ( row ) .T3 grades are on the “second row” ( see the image below ).

  3. Open menu Grading à Report Manager. Then open your Report Card template.
  4. On the Grade Report Row, please add a Caption with the same name as your Grade Bucket columns that you want to override the Term 3 (Report Card Header) Label ( on the right ) (in my case: Term 3 ) and set the color (FG color and BG color ) the same as header line color ( like the image below ).

    Set the position ( Top, Left, and Font size ) to override the Term 3 Column. Also, make a label with a white BG Color to hide T3 Data Grades on the Data 1 Section (see the image below). Make sure the label covered completely Term 3 Data Grades. This is an old trick but it works :-).
    Hide Grade Bucket - Skyward Report Manager

  5. And Save. Now you can “hide” the T3 Grade Bucket Columns and show the T3 Grade on the other section.
Good luck and have a nice day!

Software :
Windows 10
Google Chrome

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